Hot and Sweet Guava Jam
If you love pink guavas with a dash of salt and red chilly, then you cannot resist this delectable jam. In Karnataka, pink guavas are harvested twice a year.
Although the guava tree gives round-the-year fruit, September to November and then March to June, is the best time to find the juiciest and tastiest pink guavas and we make sure we dont miss these seasons.
This is a soft set jam, great to use as a dip with salted appetisers like mathri, crackers, nachos and best paired with a cup of chai.
We use only natural brewed vinegar and not synthetic acid. Brewed vinegar is gentle on the throat and is also great for the gut.
We take pride in making all our products. Our quality bars are set from a simple principle - our jams, ketchups and sauces are meant for health conscious families. There is strict diligence around quality of fruit, hygiene, process and packaging. From design to manufacturing and packaging. The very best ingredients and skilled craftsmanship and care goes into manufacturing our products.
Quick Ideas with this jam